Thursday, February 17, 2011

Impatience is not a virtue. Crap.

Dearest Lifezone, 
       Sometimes one receives a Barnes and Noble gift card and sometimes one uses said gift card to purchase some pretty great stationary, music, books and movies. YES. 
Oh, thanks Life I just drooled a little (it's okay folks I have teeth whitening strips in. Tryna get me some pearly whites- don't judge).
And sometimes Life gives one the opportunity to raise money in order to go to the Holy Land- SHEMA ISRAEL. Das what I'm talkin bout. 
Also, Life, this weather has been quite lovely lately. So lovely it makes me suspicious. But, I shall lay my distrust aside and just be thankful for the current, sunny conditions. 
Countdown to spring break at home sweet home--> gorgeous San Diego slash seeing my mummy: 15 DAYS! I can almost feel the ocean breeze and smell the sushi waiting to be devoured.

too cool for school, 

p.s.- But really I need sun, sand, ocean and life without the worries of academics or Young Life. Sounds too good to be trueeeeee

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