Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I think King David was a dancer

Dear Life, 
       Can I let you in on a little secret? I listened to the following song and danced around in my living room. That's right, all nine minutes and forty-seven seconds of it. While my roommates were gone. At 11:30 in the afternoon. It filled me with such great joy. For about 5 seconds I realized how silly I was and then I stopped caring and kept rejoicing that I have love, hope, and freedom in CHRIST. I was jumping up and down and movin around the room and lifting my hands. Sometimes I fear people aren't ready for me. They don't realize what I am capable of. The long spectrum of weirdness. Like spontaneous dancing alone in my apartment! 
I encourage you to embrace those moments when you can be free and joyful and it's all because of what thee God has done in your life...and do something WEIRD/FUN.
Then, you'll experience how liberating it is when nothing else seems to matter. 

so here...i DARE you...


p.s.- make sure the volume is way up :)

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