Sunday, February 23, 2014


Yesterday was an excellent day. 

It began with a house breakfast. We got a new roommate, his name is Tony, and so we had a welcome breakfast all together. He is uber nice. We have a great time carrying on jokes together. 
For example: 

Roommate Charlie (whilest making breakfast): Is anyone opposed to walnuts?
Me: I am very morally opposed. 
Roommate Tony: Yeah I am extremely against walnuts. 
Me: Walnuts killed my grandfather Charlie, how could you. He died choking on one. 
Roommate Tony: That's right, he died because a walnut was choking him. 

Anyway, it was funny and I appreciate someone who will join me in my sarcasm. The breakfast was deeeeelish. One of my favorite things about it were the beverages. Excellent coffee was made and by my second cup Roommate Jessica had added Bailey's- supreme idea. In addition to excellent coffee were mimosas, to which we added...get this...fresh watermelon! We just pureed it and poured it in. Wowza! 
It was such a group effort putting all the food together. 

Then I went shopping with a dear friend, Diane. She was a very helpful shopping mate. I really love a good shopping partner. I put a bunch of stuff on hold because I couldn't afford all of it and needed time to think about which items I should purchase. In the meantime we went to see the Lego movie with Steve Bishop. And, of course, in the theater just one row ahead of us were 3 of my kindergartners. Three of my favorite kindergartners. Taylor says "Señorita Bishop what are you doing here?!" And I said, "What do you mean, I'm seeing the Lego movie just like you". 
After the movie, dad insisted  on buying all my clothes that I had put on hold. Honestly, I turned him down several times saying I didn't need a relationship based on money, that seeing the movie with him was enough. I  did however tell him he was welcome to just come with me and help me pick out which to get. But, he said he wouldn't come unless I let him buy them. I figured that was a good deal, haha. Things have been pretty decent between Steve Bishop Attorney at Law and myself. It is tough to navigate the waters of our confusing relationship because he kind of lives a double life. But, at least now we don't have financial strings attached and I have gotten better at communicating with him when he hurts me. And he has learned to listen and even sometimes...apologize!! Crazy. I am finding it easier to pray for him. I used to find it hopeless that he would ever change. God is the God of the impossible, the God of miracles. 
And last night Roommate Charlie had her birthday party. It was a Mexican fiesta. It was fun and her sister made the most delicious food. I made mom's guacamole and it got rave reviews. Naturally. We played fish bowl and one of Charlie's friends learned I went to JMU and so he put James Madison on a slip of paper and like no one knew that much about him so it made it hard to act him out. It was so funny to me. And of course, someone put in constipation. It was like Graffiti fish bowl all over again. 

I'm not sure why I just wrote a diary entry of my day. And it all started because before I wrote this post I was thinking about how much my roommates and I will always make a pot of coffee big enough to share. And how I love that about our house. I think it was also because I don't often write about the goings-on in my life. So I thought I would give a snapshot of my silly life. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

      I am not sure if this happens a lot to others, but sometimes I get shown an attribute of God and I am so into this certain characteristic that I become a bit hung up on it. 
For instance:
God you are so loving, you are a meek lamb whose affections never end. Soon, an imbalance occurs. God is also the God of justice and righteousness. He abhors wicked deeds. We must know this loving God and also fear Him. 
This can lead to...God, you are just. You are strong and powerful. You are worthy of highest praises. I am a speck in your presence. Those might be true but God also desires for us to draw near to Him. He has made us worthy through His Son's sacrifice. He is our Father. Another imbalance occurred. 

      Today, I was asking the Lord for more compassion. It's amazing the things I can do through Christ. I can love people who piss me off or don't deserve it- all because of the love and mercy freely given me. 
      When we see even an ounce of good character in someone this should encourage us all the more that the Creator of the universe embodies that beautiful attribute a hundredfold. Does that make sense? 
The God of Mother Teresa is even more giving, sacrificial, and merciful. 
The God of the apostle Paul cares even more about people, and is even more wise and persistent. 
The God of my own mom is even more gracious, and sees the best in me even more than she does. 

      I hope I can quit putting God into a box, or quit forgetting that He doesn't just have the characteristic of goodness or grace or righteousness- He IS all those things.