Tuesday, December 6, 2011

On Kanye's third album

Dear Lifeski, 

                     or     Estoy matriculándome! 
Crazy time. This was a BIG bright spot amidst my hectic work mess...but now I have entered procrastination station. Which is no bueno. I contemplated a Bodo's run tomorrow, but decided against it. Who knows, could still spontaneously fast-and-furious it to Cville!

      I have really gotten into the Christmas spirit this year!! It's wonderful! 
Ya'll...my new favorite store...DOLLAR TREE. More like HOLLER tree. Lemme get dat. 
Recently made purchases there: toothpaste, christmas decos (short for decorations, yo), chapstick, nail files, wrapping paper, pens, spatula...each for a BUCK. 
      Also, still high on my Amazon addiction of course--> I ordered this wonderful Christmas movie. Cannot wait for it to arrive and let the Shire see why I love it!!

repeat the sounding joy, 

p.s.- I'm going to miss college. And I mean the taking classes part. I have loved my Spanish courses this semester. dangit.

1 comment:

  1. I WANT TO COME WATCH THE PREACHER'S WIFE. I might order it too :)
