Dear Life,
Well, you have done it again. Here I am, in transition mode. Well, I am slowly moving out of transition mode, but still. Camp is over (POOP) and school has started. But, the Lord has once again proven Himself GOOD. But I want to say this not just because I am happy circumstantially. But because He is teaching me, and stretching me, and showing me that not all seasons are filled with sorrow and forced joy. Sometimes the joy is just evident. And sometimes we have to grab the joy! I have to say--> you know what, there are things I can complain about and there are hardships I still struggle with, but I choose to focus on the blessings before me. I choose to recognize that life is not about happy or sad. Times are mostly an intermingling of those two. And sometimes they are more one than the other. I choose to take what I learned from working at Forest Home and apply it in Harrisonburg even if I do mourn after my summer. I choose to be incredibly thankful for The Shire, my new home, and see what opportunity I have at real intentional living with friends at a similar lifeplace as myself. I will grab that joy and hold fast to knowing that I have a Lord who is for me. I have a Lord who wants to use me.
Anyway, it has been an interesting past 2ish weeks.
Another note: I have been eating hummus like it's my job! Deli-made hummus from the Co-op. Hummus with tomatoes, wheat thins, red pepper, on a sandwich w/ avocados, etc. Can't get enough.
And, I am taking Spanish classes with professors who seem wonderful and friends in my classes. :)
Here is something new- if you want to pray for me...I have been thinking a lot these past couple months about money & how in debt I am with loans. I guarantee if you are reading this- I am more in debt than you are. Trust me, I aint bragging neither. Pray that I trust the Lord and that He provides monetarily for me as I begin to pay those off in the next year. It can be very scary.
adiós mis lectores/as,
p.s.- shoutout to my BROTHA who started his own blog! I hope he keeps it up...hint hint! ;)